In the late 1980s, a caring woman, Paddie Foster, a member of the Trinity Episcopal Church and battling cancer, approached her minister expressing a desire to help people. Rev. Mel Schlachter honored her desire to help and they would meet with people needing assistance. Rev. Schlachter shared with the Council of Churches how this approach was working. Several churches decided to join together to support a part-time social worker to respond to the many requests for assistance received by the churches. In the fall of 1990, with donated space and a part-time coordinator, the Agape Project was born. Nine churches originally provided funding to the organization; Church of the Nazarene, Church of the Brethren, First United Methodist, Richards Chapel United Methodist, Trinity Episcopal, St. Johns United Church of Christ, First Presbyterian, First United Church of Christ, and Ginghamsburg Church. There are currently 19 Partner Churches that support the organization. Means of support include; financial gifts, collections for the personal needs pantry, cookie baking and collection of Christmas toys, volunteer support, and use of facilities at the churches for our programming needs. All churches contribute in different ways based on their congregational size. For more information on how to become a Partnering Church, please contact Noel Martin at 335-0448.